Cumbria Council
Cumbria County Council is the local authority of Cumbria in the North West of England and serves 499,800 residents.
The Brief
We teamed up with Cumbria Council to:
- Conduct user research on the website prototypes to identify pain points and potential improvements
- Evaluate the proposed IA to support the transition to the new website
- Provide insight into the attitudes of residents around the Local Gov Reorganisation work
Our Solution
The research focused on the highways section of the website and comprised of two stages:
- Quantitative survey with tree testing to evaluate the newly proposed information architecture as well as termniology testing
- Ten in-depth usability interviews with Cumbria Council residents covering a number of user stories
The Result
An interim quantitative report with tree testing findings which were evaluated by a UX consultant and content designer.
A combined report with research inights including: design, content and UX recommendations to carry forward to the new website.
These results provided the Project Manager, Content Designer and Developers with a clear vision of the next steps.